Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's been a while...

...but I can still remember just the way you taste, blogosphere. (Kind of fruity.)

Greater Chambana and the splendidly autumnal Midwest have kept me pretty busy for the past few weeks. I have gone on wonderful DAY TRIPS to archives in East St. Louis and Evanston (two very, very, very different places), cried tears of joy and then pain over the Red Sox at a local bar, visited to a orchard/pumpkin patch/kitcshfest with my roommates, been weirded out by Thandi Newton's "impersonation" of Condi Rice, and done lots and lots and lots of busy work. (So much busy work. But if you need to compare owls and bats for your third grade paper ever, I'm your woman.)

I really love library school, as I think I have mentioned. Somebody told me today that I was a born reference librarian (thanks, friend who told me that!) It's a really good feeling to have found something that I like and am somewhat ok at (fuck false modesty. I am AMAZING at this). However, I am already thinking of places to move after I'm done with the program:
  • NEW YORK: Pros: everyone I know lives there, lots of culture and fun, great seasons, the Morgan. Cons: everyone I know lives there (KIDDING!), expensive as shit, made me mildly insane over the course of six years.
  • PHILADELPHIA: Pros: seems cool, lots of museums, Erin is there (hi Erin!), cheap, cheesesteaks. Cons: Have spent probably less than 48 hours total there, so I don't really know.
  • CHICAGO: Pros: has really come from behind (heh) to be one of my fave towns. Cheap, lots of stuff to do, fun people. Cons: far from the folks at home, really cold.
  • ALASKA: I would really prefer not to move to Alaska.
Weigh in, friends! Or don't because maybe no one is reading anymore...

I am going to New York the day after tomorrow! I can't wait to see everybody, eat some delicious food, and go to the Guggenheim.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Inner, Inner City, Inner City Pressure

Turns out Chicago fucking rules. Apparently you just need to go WITH someone. Who knew? What fun times. Saw the Silver Jews Friday night, and a wasted, wasted Bob Nastanovich guested on drums. Cassie is so pretty up close. One thing Chicago has to recommend--great sight lines for shows. I could actually SEEEEE for once. They played "Pretty Eyes", which I'm pretty sure was just for me. Also saw these guys, who were pretty great, especially their hymn "I Hope There Is A Crack Whore In Heaven". Pat and I were confused as to whether they were actually Finnish or not. Jury's still out. Also geeked out at the Newberry for a long time. Met many charming people, and saw the start of a motherfucking marathon! Which was exhilarating. I will probably run one. Maybe that will be my next post?

Came home to cuddle this new addition to the 1211 W. Green family:
She's very small.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hoosier? I hardly know her!

Today I went to a place I had never been before--the great state of Indiana. True story--several years ago, I forgot Indiana was a state. I am embarrassed now. Indiana is totally a state, and an important one indeed to the future of our country, for it is a swingy, swingy little state. Of course, now it is a radiant midnight blue, thanks to the canvassing work of this lady here.

Indiana looked strikingly similar to Illinois. There was much corn, and some small towns with antique stores and such. We were canvassing a subdivision outside Lafayette (where Purdue is). Here were some of the subdivision's street names.:
  • Waterstone Drive
  • Waterfall Court
  • Stoneripple Court
  • Stonegate Circle
  • Stonegate Court
  • Stoneripple Circle
Please imagine trying to tell these apart. On foot. With clipboard.

Then there was another subdivision:
  • John Adams Street
  • George Washington Lane
  • Thomas Jefferson Drive
  • Pennypackers Mill Road
So apparently that last one is the name of a Revolutionary War battle site in Pennsylvania. At the time, though, we did not know that, and we thought it was rather endlessly hilarious.

I think I mayyyy have convinced one lady to vote for Obama. Dawn, if you're reading--remember what we talked about! Then we went to a soda fountain. I loved Indiana. Also, me and my co-canvassing partner discussed Obama's probable Jedi status with an 8-yr old boy. If he could only vote!