Turns out Chicago fucking rules. Apparently you just need to go WITH someone. Who knew? What fun times. Saw the Silver Jews Friday night, and a wasted, wasted Bob Nastanovich guested on drums. Cassie is so pretty up close. One thing Chicago has to recommend--great sight lines for shows. I could actually SEEEEE for once. They played "Pretty Eyes", which I'm pretty sure was just for me. Also saw
these guys, who were pretty great, especially their hymn "I Hope There Is A Crack Whore In Heaven". Pat and I were confused as to whether they were actually Finnish or not. Jury's still out. Also geeked out at the Newberry for a long time. Met many charming people, and saw the start of a motherfucking marathon! Which was exhilarating. I will probably run one. Maybe that will be my next post?
Came home to cuddle this new addition to the 1211 W. Green family:

She's very small.
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