Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I love my job

So, as we all know, olden times are often hilarious. (Why else would I do history but the laff factor?) Since my job involves getting up close and personal with these olden times, I am beginning herein an occasional series where I share with you excerpts from the kinds of documents I read/process/lug around in 40-lb boxes all day long. Ok, usually only half a day long.

Today's excerpt comes from an anonymous fellow's recollection of an early member of the board of trustees of Illinois Industrial University, the precursor to this fine institution of higher learning:

"The second wife of Griggs was 'Grandma Kittie', as she was called, a very fleshy woman. She took anti-fat, they say, and it killed her."

Anti-fat again! That shit was the crack of the late nineteenth century.


Unknown said...

I don't believe for a second that you will ever use the tag "anti-fat" ever again.

Lizzie said...

watch me.