I will blog about my classes at another time. Possibly never, because my classes are kind of boring, especially if you personally do not want to be a librarian. Suffice it to say that I have had them all, and they will definitely teach me important library-oriented skills. Peer-to-peer education, however, is even more valuable--why, just the other night, my pal Sherri came over and told me how to properly take a book off the shelf. (Poke those on either sides back, then slide it out from the middle of the spine. DON'T pull it from the top. Martha knows.)
I went to another great dinner party on Saturday night. Can I just say that I have found my people? Not that you readers aren't my people, and I love you all dearly, but how many of you have read not only Eight Cousins, but also Rose in Bloom, and are not afraid to talk about it? Mom, you don't count, because you share half my DNA.
Woo, just took a long time-out to talk to Jefe on the phone. We were discussing, among other things, my DAY TRIP to Chicago yesterday. I had a really good time, but I have major reservations about Chicago, I think. For one thing, I went to go see a movie here:

It was super cool, but it was like two blocks from a strip mall. And this was in the heart of Chicago. I also went here:

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