A lot of people ride motorcycles here....it's weird. There was an article in the Daily Illini about it today--hard-hitting, as per usual ("I love my motorcycle!") I think there is a whole biker bar here called the Ice House. Should I go? This poll is pointless. Of course I will go.
For a moment, I thought that the bookstore sold Illini-themed sympathy cards, but the reality is even more hilarious. They sell these cards that say "Sorry for your loss..." in muted orange and blue with sad looking flowers on the front. Then you open it up and it's a big cartoon of a scoreboard with Illinois winning and your team losing and it's like "BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME! GO ILLINOIS!" Haha, sucker! You thought a loved one died! Really your football team lost. I am going to send this to everyone. They have non-ironic Illini-themed anniversary cards though. Seriously. It's like Happy Anniversary... Go Illini.
So I recognized this prominent dude on Champaign's Yelp at the grad mixer yesterday. (By the way...the grad mixer...the dorks are NOT in the library science program. I said it.) I kind of wanted to call him out and be like, how do you have 423 friends on Yelp? I didn't even know that 423 people were ON Yelp. Instead I just creepily stared at him and then ran away. Mixin'! Also some people hated on GSLIS and library science in general and I almost pulled the "Oh, is YOUR program the number one in the country? It's not? That must be so different from my experience, then!" But then I didn't. Suckers, I totally thought it and then blogged it though.
Pip loves me now. He hasn't bitten me in over a week. He is nuzzling at my feet RIGHT AS I TYPE.
I love to videochat, so if you have those capabilities, get on that!
I missed a wedding back in Maine this weekend that apparently had a catapult that shot pinatas. I have sacrificed a lot to come here.
Back in the 1950s, people studied aerial photos as a hobby! I learned this from my job, which this week involves a lot of looking at aerial photos. Here's a fun self-test to see if you would be a good aerial photograph spy (which I imagine is what these were for--straight-up espionage). What is this? Be specific in your answer.

Stumped? Why, it's your neighborhood, silly! See how different things look from the air?
I am an elegant prose stylist. I need to figure out how to put up MP3s so I can blog about the Chambana music scene...get ready!
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