Thursday, May 28, 2009

I got lucky in Kentucky because I made it out alive

Hey, dudes. I really went camping. It was good times, except for the Confederate flags that dotted the more bustling areas of Slade, Kentucky (pop. 38). Here's a tip, Sladians: the South will not rise again, and your stupid flags are racist. My favorite display was at this little diner-y lunch spot we went to that had a Confederate flag hanging right above a portrait of Lincoln. WTF?

That same restaurant also had this amazing little poster/chart from the 1950s that helpfully informed you how your kid will turn out if you treat them in certain ways. For instance, if you treat your child with hostility, he will be violent! If you treat him with ridicule, he will be shy! Thanks for saving us lots of money on therapy, random poster.

Oh, and we fought a snake. Film at 11.

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