Thursday, August 21, 2008

Slow ride, take it easy

I am bone tired right now. That's right, my very BONES are tired. Today was my first day as a graduate assistant in the University of Illinois Archives. You know how on most first days you kind of sit around and stay out of people's way, but still attempt to appear busy, whereas you actually have nothing at all to do and feel super awkward?

This was not one of those first days.

Twenty minutes after I got to work, I was thrust into the very mix of archiving. That's right, friends--I PROCESSED TODAY. Meaning I put things in alphabetical order and took out paper clips. And accrued countless horrible paper cuts (true story--my "safety orientation" was just the archivists telling me to how avoid paper cuts. Dangerous, dangerous stuff.) What was I processing, you might ask? Why, the papers of Nancy O'Brien, the Education and Social Sciences Librarian, who served on such exciting committees as the Committee on Committees!! (Swear. In 1983.)

So, it was a good first day, albeit grueling. I like archivists. They are both smart and nice (today my boss randomly held forth on an arcane section of copyright law).

When I got home, roommate Heather and I took a delightful trip to Target. It's weird not going to urban Targets anymore, which as we all know are the epitome of no fun, and are constantly sold out of like, soap. Suburban Targets are a whole new world (don't you DARE close your eyes). A better world, to be specific.

If I can self-critique my blogging style, I would say that I am overly reliant on parentheses.

Library School Orientation tomorrow. And then the Urbana Sweetcorn festival! Not only is Foghat performing, but "[t]he main course [will be] hot, steaming ears of sweetcorn!" Not a side dish. They don't fuck around in Urbana.

This blog's original title was Hot, Steaming Ears of Sweetcorn.


Liz said...

I think you use the perfect amount of parentheses.

Also, re: your last post title, how good was it when they played that song in the end? So good. It was like the end of every season of The Wire, if everyone on The Wire was a hot teen.

Lizzie said...

I cried...damn you FNL and your expertise at manipulating my weak emotions!

Unknown said...

you guys are like a pair of parentheses